I am trying to document my dispute. Why won’t my photos upload?

When you are attaching supporting documents for your dispute, such as pictures of damaged/wrong condition products or close-ups of pallet tags, you may encounter difficulty uploading the images.

Here are some common reasons that may be preventing you from successfully uploading your dispute images:

Upload quantity of 10 files maximum – This includes your signed bill of lading for freight deliveries, photos of the order as it arrived and before you opened it, and photos of the disputed merchandise after inspection.
NOTE: If you have more than 10 files to upload, attach the best 10 and leave a note in the upload description explaining what else is available upon request.

Files must be in one of the following file formats:
.pdf | .doc | .docx | .xls | .xlsx | .png | .jpg | .jpeg | .gif | .csv

Maximum file size is 2mb per file – If your file or image is too large, you can try one of these solutions:
– Follow these step-by-step instructions (for both Mac and Windows users)
– Use a free online image compressor
– In the notes section, paste the shared link of your photo stored in your Google Photos or Apple Photo library. The shared link must be for the public, and not only for a specific recipient.

Please know that unsupported files will be ignored.

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