All Articles from Editorial Team

As Apparel Sales Drop, a Pile of Overstock Rises
As Apparel Sales Drop, a Pile of Overstock Rises

It wasn’t that long ago that we were talking about post-holiday returns and what apparel retailers could do to tackle them. Holiday returns seem like small potatoes compared to the impact of COVID-19: today, apparel retailers are facing a mounting…

May 14 2020 · 3 min read

Watch Webinar: Solving for Excess Apparel, During COVID
Watch Webinar: Solving for Excess Apparel, During COVID

As stores begin to reopen, apparel retailers are sitting on billions of dollars in inventory that will need to be sorted out. Clearance sales aren’t going to cut it, and off-price retailers likely won’t have the capacity (or cash) to…

May 12 2020 · 1 min read

To all the moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day!
To all the moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s no secret: moms ROCK. In honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday, we asked employees to share some sweet sentiments about what makes their mom – or the mom of their kid(s) – so great. Here is what our team…

May 08 2020 · 4 min read

Mobile Digest: Q1 2020 Insights
Mobile Digest: Q1 2020 Insights

We’ve compiled data from across our B2B mobile marketplaces and plugged it into the Mobile Digest for Q1 2020, which features:  The impact COVID-19 had on the mobile secondary market Month-over-month pricing trends across top iPhone models  Pricing behavior across…

May 06 2020 · 1 min read

Is Off-Price Off the Table Post Covid-19?
Is Off-Price Off the Table Post Covid-19?

As the forced closure of nonessential businesses swept the nation, apparel retailers were put in a difficult position. With the shuttering of countless stores, it’s become clear that once the quarantine is over, there will be a massive amount of…

May 01 2020 · 3 min read

Coping with COVID: B-Stock Sees Changes in Procurement
Coping with COVID: B-Stock Sees Changes in Procurement

B-Stock helps clients liquidate excess inventory, including through branded marketplaces and its own B-Stock Supply platform where sellers procure inventory to resell. B-Stock’s retail sellers must address changes in buyer demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and they’re also finding…

Apr 29 2020 · 1 min read

A Strategy for Surplus Apparel Post COVID-19
A Strategy for Surplus Apparel Post COVID-19

In the month since apparel retailers and department stores were forced to shutter their doors, it seems as though fashion—and time—have stopped moving. Between stay-at-home orders and the movement of only essential goods, the fashion industry is on the brink of…

Apr 28 2020 · 2 min read

Reading Retail’s Tea Leaves Via Retail’s Resale Market
Reading Retail’s Tea Leaves Via Retail’s Resale Market

Given the massive and in many cases seismic shifts in the retail landscape because of the coronavirus pandemic, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that retail’s shadow side of B2B overstock sales and liquidation is also rapidly shifting. Demand for…

Apr 27 2020 · 1 min read

What the iPhone SE Launch Means for the Mobile Secondary Market
What the iPhone SE Launch Means for the Mobile Secondary Market

When new models launch, there’s an increase in trade-ins; a majority of these devices are then pushed to B2B secondary market channels. On the heels of today’s iPhone SE launch, B-Stock is breaking down what impact Apple’s newest model will have on the mobile secondary market. …

Apr 24 2020 · 2 min read

Watch Webinar: COVID-19 Impact on the EU B2B Secondary Market
Watch Webinar: COVID-19 Impact on the EU B2B Secondary Market

As COVID-19 continues to impact SMEs around Europe, this webinar shares the latest trends and data B-Stock is seeing in logistics and how the B2B secondary market is reacting.  B-Stock Supply Marketplace Manager Jess Morris will cover: The impact of…

Apr 23 2020 · 1 min read

Earth Day: How B-Stock Plays a Part
Earth Day: How B-Stock Plays a Part

Happy Earth Day! With over 190 countries planning efforts to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, environmental consciousness and a commitment to sustainability will span the globe this year. When it comes to retail, it’s clear that secondhand and…

Apr 22 2020 · 2 min read

3 Categories You Can Make Highest Profit Margins with Liquidated Inventory
3 Categories You Can Make Highest Profit Margins with Liquidated Inventory

If you’re looking to get into the reselling game or expand your current business, you’re probably wondering which categories turn the highest profit margins. In other words, when it comes to buying and reselling liquidated inventory, where can you get…

Apr 21 2020 · 3 min read