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We’re proud to announce our Grade A Award winners for Q1 2020! These individuals were nominated by their peers in the categories of:
Core Values: nominees must demonstrate behavior, actions, and attitude that exemplify honesty & integrity, intelligence & curiosity, humor, hard work, respect for others, respect for data, cooperation/teamwork, patience and persistence, passion for building something great, and frugality.
Internal Business Partner: nominees are recognized as going “above and beyond” with their dedication, collaboration, teamwork, and encouragement of others.
With that said, meet B-Stock’s two winners for Q1: Sean Comi and Aarvin Inderjeet!
Winner: Core Values category. What his nominator said:
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sean on many accounts and hold him in the highest regard. Although I feel he could be Grade A nominated for all of the core value categories as well as the internal business partner designation, I am choosing the one where I feel he shines the brightest: Hard Work, Patience and Persistence & Passion for Building Something Great.
As a fellow runner, Sean understands that the work we do at B-Stock is sometimes a marathon, sometimes a sprint. He responds to both types of challenges with the same calm, cool & collected demeanor that puts customers at ease. His responsiveness to their needs earns their trust and respect.”
Here are just a couple of real-life examples of his accomplishments in this category:
For Hard Work: By going the extra mile with detailed opportunity mapping and using every call to uncover new ways to add volume, Sean has quickly scaled a partner account in sales in the third full month, rolling out the solution to multiple locations, and is currently pushing for expansion in Mexico, Canada, Europe, and Asia—as well as developing plans for testing B-Stock Supply for auctions that would have otherwise gone to a competitor.
For Patience: When our champion with a current account moved on to a different role within the company prior to their marketplace launch, our new contact came onboard and was unfamiliar with the process. Sean’s patience and persistence from the very beginning allowed us to grow; as our new contact moved to a different company and took our call to continue doing business with B-Stock.
“These are just two of many reasons why Sean deserves to be a B-Stock Grade A award winner. I wouldn’t hesitate to bring him to any customer or prospect and look forward to his continued growth within B-Stock for years to come.”
Winner: Internal Business Partner category. What his nominator said:
“Throughout his time at B-Stock, Aarvin has proven himself a tremendous internal business partner. During Q1, his work on a marketplace launch exemplified this.
Early in the implementation it was clear that it would be challenging to properly estimate the lot sizes at a specific partner location. Since we perform all the lotting for their auctions, finding a way to accurately know the size of the pallets is vital.
Aarvin formulated a way to estimate lot size accurately. He then partnered with Sean Comi to enact Sean’s strategy for the marketplace, resulting in enhancements to how much volume we were able to process and improving the sortation of the lots. These advancements helped improve the trajectory of this marketplace and the emerging automotive vertical.
While his performance on this particular account has been impressive, it honestly comes as no surprise. After joining B-Stock, Aarvin began making significant contributions to the Listing department. From providing Excel macros to listers and QA that increased accuracy and efficiency—to working with management to improve our reporting tools—Aarvin has made our processes and how we quantify them far better than they previously were. He even introduced us to SheetsCon, a two-day event devoted to Google Sheet skill improvement.
For these reasons and so many more, Aarvin is a tremendous resource to any marketplace he works on and to B-Stock as a whole.”
If you’re interested in joining this dynamic team of Grade A talent, please check out our careers page for current openings!
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