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As the effects of COVID-19 spread around the world, different product categories were disproportionately affected, and the fashion industry was hit particularly hard across Europe as only essential goods were selling. As retailers begin to open over the next few…
As apparel stores begin to reopen across Europe, it’s likely excess stock is growing in warehouses that will need to be sorted out. Clearance sales aren’t going to be enough, and discount retailers likely won’t have the capacity or cash…
As COVID-19 continues to impact SMEs around Europe, this webinar shares the latest trends and data B-Stock is seeing in logistics and how the B2B secondary market is reacting. B-Stock Supply Marketplace Manager Jess Morris will cover: The impact of…
This webinar covers the COVID-19 impact to retailers around Europe including the latest trends and data B-Stock saw in reverse logistics and how the B2B secondary market reacted. B-Stock’s Head of Business Development, EMEA, Giorgio Vitale is joined by experts…
The French government recently passed a law that will require retailers and manufacturers to donate, reuse, or recycle unsold goods. This new law, which goes into effect 2023, will have a deep impact on the current practice of destroying unsold…
B-Stock is headed to Amsterdam June 27 & 28 for the Reverse Logistics Association’s European Summit. The show is focused on reverse logistics and the circular economy (something we’re proud to support with our web-based liquidation solution). There are a…
In the latest round of online fashion retailers combating return fraud (return rates were spiking), Asos has announced a new returns policy aimed directly at stemming the practice of “wardrobing” or “bracketing”—buying several articles of clothing with the intention of…