Looking back on 2017, it’s been a good year for B-Stock; perhaps one fit for the record books. We’ve experienced tremendous growth and literally expanded our footprint by opening an office in Orlando, FL. And it was in Orlando where we celebrated these achievements during an all-company retreat in December. For two days we gathered in Florida to hear about each department’s wins and to get to know each other outside of the office. A highlight was our tour of the Kennedy Space Center. While there we saw the Atlantis space shuttle up close and learned the history of what it took to get the ship into space, and have it (and everyone on board) return safely.

While we might not be astronauts, we do have the same passion and determination to succeed as did those who built, manned and directed the shuttles. Here’s a look at some of our growth and achievements, by the numbers: that’s one small step for B-Stock and one giant leap for technology-based liquidation.

B-Stock’s Human Resources Manager, Sierra Smith, deserves a two month vacation after the year she’s had! She’s the person you want to speak with if you want to join this ever growing company (she’s currently looking to hire a Talent Acquisitions Specialist, FYI).

Over the year, we’ve added:

36 Full Time Employees – YAY!
That includes 26 new hires and 10 contractors converted to full time

At this rate, B-Stock will be tipping the 100 employee mark in early 2018. This growth in talent is due primarily to the number of client marketplaces we’ve added this year, courtesy of our Sales team.

17 New Marketplaces in 2017

Through our marketplaces, nine of the top 10 U.S. retailers, among hundreds of others, sell their returned, excess, and overstock merchandise to our base of business buyers who then resell those items to consumers. This year, in addition to partnering with a variety of U.S.-based retailers, we began working with some big Canadian and European retailers as well. We are global!

A very recent achievement was the launch of B-Stock Supply Europe, a multi-seller marketplace that allows smaller European retailers an opportunity to sell their overstock inventory to EU-based business buyers.

More marketplaces means… more auctions. The number of auctions listed and number of items sold is truly astounding as well…

145,290 auctions in 2017

As we close out another great year, B-Stock is ready for 2018 (and all projections have us reaching for the stars as we keep our feet on the ground).

To our sellers and buyers (current and prospective): we wish you much success in 2018. Don’t hesitate to contact us, we’d love to hear from you!

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