How do I change or update my shipping address?

Depending on your registration, the process may be slightly different. Please jump to the second set of instructions below if applicable.

  1. Navigate to your Business Profile
    shipping address update
  2. Scroll down to Address Book and click View or Update
    shipping address update
  3. From here, you can click +Add New Address at the top right
    • Note: adding a new address will require you to confirm warehouse hours and sales tax info.
      shipping address update

If your Account and Business Profile pages look different, please follow these instructions:


  1. Navigate to your Account in the top right corner and click My Account
    shipping address update
  2. From here, you will see your Address Book >> click +New Address
    shipping address update
  3. If you’re adding a new state shipping address, please go to your Business Profile in the main drop-down to complete a new TED (Tax Exemption Digitization) resale certificate form.
    shipping address update

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