Waste Less Through the Power of the Secondary Market

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Waste Less Through the Power of the Secondary Market
Waste Less Through the Power of the Secondary Market
Over recent decades, tracking environmental footprints and “going green” have become commonplace in the corporate world, yet many retailers and manufacturers have been reluctant to truly throw their full weight behind sustainability initiatives, citing a number of reasons.

For many of these organizations, however, there’s a strong business case to be made for sustainable products and practices. To see it, leaders must first understand threats our global community faces, the numerous stakeholders at play, the challenges of meeting our goals, and the possible solutions.

In this white paper, we take a deep dive into:
  • What it means to be sustainable
  • Today's environmental challenges
  • The state of corporate sustainability
  • Why businesses must prioritize these efforts
  • A new generation of recommerce-based inventory management solutions that can give consumer goods businesses a head start in this area

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