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That unwanted holiday gift you finally sent back last week? It might not end up where you imagined.
Rejected sweaters, unwelcome blenders, or ill-fitting pajamas you thought you sent back to Sears or Amazon don’t always return to that store’s shelf, real or virtual. Increasingly, these products are sold at online auctions, an option that some companies have found to be an easier and more lucrative way to unload goods.
Think of it as an eBay for retailers. While companies have always unloaded surplus items, many are now working with online auction sites, which help resell the products — sometimes sight unseen, for pennies on the dollar — to salvage dealers, liquidators, or oversees merchants.
Today, it’s typical for a smartphone to have three to four different owners over its functional life. OEMs, carriers, business buyers, processors, and other facilitators, like B-Stock, each play a part in the thriving secondary market that moves these devices…
B-Stock recently launched its Mobile Insights tool, a first-to-market offering that provides our wireless customers — which include top OEMs, wireless retailers, and buyback companies — on-demand visibility into current and future pricing trends across makes and models to better…
B-Stock’s Mobile Insights tool is a first-to-market offering that enables an automated and easy way to access and review historical, current and future average selling price (ASP), and depreciation data across device models. In this one pager, you’ll learn how…