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Unilever and B-Stock team up to discuss “The End of S.L.O.B. (Slow Moving & Obsolete Goods): How Unilever Minimizes Their Excess Inventory and Achieves Sustainability Goals.” Presented by Giorgio Vitale, Head of EMEA for B-Stock, and Nazli Oguz, Unilever’s Global…
Retailers are not responsible for the ongoing issues with the global supply chain, but they must act to mitigate them. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain. In addition, global shipping is still…
B-Stock is so excited to welcome Frannie Ello to the Product Design team this summer! As a summer teammate, we know Frannie will be an incredible asset to the company. Frannie is currently studying Human Centered Design & Engineering, with…
B-Stock is so excited to welcome Julia Attard to the Marketing team this summer! As a summer teammate, we know Julia will be an incredible asset to the company. Julia is currently studying Business Administration with a concentration in Finance…