It’s Halloween! The traditions associated with it go back to ancient times. Beginning as a Celtic festival, people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. While the idea of warding off ghosts is now a backdrop to putting on costumes and collecting candy, we still love a good ghost story. In fact, over the years we’ve heard a few tales related to strange happenings in retail warehouses across the country. Accordingly, we’ve put together the top five ways to tell if your warehouse is haunted…

  1. If you enter your warehouse and there’s a sudden drop in temperature, or you feel cold drafts even with all the windows closed, your warehouse might be haunted…
  2. If your facility is set up with security cameras, and you routinely see shadowy images on the recordings, yet no other alarms were triggered, your warehouse might be haunted…
  3. If an alarm is tripped in the middle of the night, and you go out to investigate only to find none of the doors or windows were broken into, but you go inside to check things out anyway, and then you hear someone singing songs from the 1940s, so you go around the corner to see who’s there, but the hallway is empty and suddenly the singing stops, then your warehouse might be haunted…
  4. If you research what the land was used for previously before the warehouse was built, and you discover that the area was once an ancient burial ground, there’s a good chance your warehouse might be haunted…
  5. If the night before you left the warehouse in complete disarray only to find everything in neat order the following morning, then your warehouse might be haunted…

That last one is especially good, huh? There are many other ways to tell if your warehouse is haunted, like the lights keep flashing on and off, or doors slam shut, or you see objects floating through the air… those are all prime indicators of a haunting. While B-Stock does not yet offer solutions for warehouse hauntings, we do provide a modern means to liquidation—a great way to keep your warehouse from reaching maximum capacity. There won’t be ghosts buying your excess inventory, but rather bona fide business buyers who need inventory for their stores.

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