B-Stock is so excited to welcome Bridger Rives to the Marketing team this winter! As a winter extern, we know Bridger will be an incredible asset to the company. Bridger is currently studying Psychology at Carleton College. Learn a bit more about Bridger and see his answers to some questions below.

Q: What are you most excited to learn at B-Stock?

Coming in, I was really excited about starting to get my head around how marketing departments work. Since beginning, I’ve also really enjoyed learning about the intricacies of some of the big brands that B-Stock works with.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? (Or still want to be!)

My first ever dream job was to be a professional soccer player. That hasn’t panned out super well, considering I quit soccer to run track when I was 15.

Q: What is one piece of advice you’ve been given that has stuck?

Start working when you have more time left than you think you’ll need.

Q: Where can people find you after work or school?

In the gym or on the track.

Q: What is a hidden talent of yours?

I’m really good at dog training.

Q: What plays in the background while you work (music genre, podcast, news)?

If the work doesn’t involve heavy thinking it’s usually an audiobook; for light thinking my go-to is some mixture of pop, country, and rock; for heavy thinking or when deadlines are approaching, I have an upbeat instrumental playlist.

Q: Where would you go with unlimited PTO?

I would start hitting all the national parks.

Q: What do you do when you’re stuck creatively? How do you get the creative juices flowing?

A run usually helps.

Q: What’s something you’ve accomplished that you’re proud of?

In high school, my 4x800m relay team set our school record for the event.

Q: What is one thing you hope to contribute to B-Stock?

I hope that the two projects I’m working on will provide useful insights!

If you’re interested in B-Stock’s internship program, please contact [email protected] or reach out on LinkedIn!


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