Paper Manufacturer Automates Sales & Grows buyer Base

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Paper Manufacturer Automates Sales & Grows buyer Base
Paper Manufacturer Automates Sales & Grows buyer Base
A North American paper manufacturer faced challenges in selling its excess product through traditional liquidation channels, which proved to be a slow and tedious process requiring lots of attention and outdated manual methods. But after partnering with B-Stock to automate the sales process, increase buyer interest, and improve pricing, the manufacturer saw a night-and-day difference.

B-Stock launched a B2B marketplace for the manufacturer, allowing approved buyers worldwide to bid on railcar-size lots via automated online auctions that eliminated the need for email and spreadsheet communication. After joining the B-Stock marketplace, the manufacturer has expanded its buyer base by a massive 2300% and even improved buyer retention while doing so.

Curious about how we helped this client streamline their process and exceed their recovery expectations? Read the case study now.

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