Let’s face it, dads RULE. In honor of Father’s Day this Sunday, we asked employees to share some sweet sentiments about what makes their dad – or the dad of their kid(s) – so great. Here is what our team to say: 


Pops, your tireless work ethic has always inspired me. Take a day off for once. Happy Father’s Day!

— Dave W. 


A dad is his daughter’s first hero, the man she admires from the start. And whether she’s small or completely grown up, He has a warm place in her heart. Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I love you.

— Erin K. 


I’m lucky to call my dad one of my best friends. He was my hero as a toddler, and still holds the number one spot to this day, which is even more impressive given Tom Brady’s rise to greatness over the last 20 years. I’m so grateful for his guidance, and am lucky to have such a close bond with him. Cheers dad, next beer is on me.

— Brady N.


Thanks for being the best Dad around. I have 100% faith that I can always count on you for anything, anytime. You are caring, generous, and sometimes a little funny.  P.S. I’m sorry for telling the company about “switcharooni” . 

–Joanie S. 


Thank you dad for always being by my side. Whether it was helping me with my homework or driving me to sports practice. I’ve felt your love every day of my life and for that I will be forever grateful. You are the smartest, kindest and most caring person I have ever met and I know I would not be the man I am today without your guidance. Happy fathers day to the best dad out there!

— Noah B. 


In Loving Memory for my Dad – Happy Father’s Day!! Thanks for leaving behind your wisdom, memories, and your love of math & science! I hope you are still building rockets and mousetrap cars in the afterlife. With love & much peace, hope you are resting well 🙂 

— Elisa E. 


Hey Dad, Happy Father’s Day! I love you a lot and I hope you have a great Father’s Day!

— Kyle M. 


Happy Father’s Day Dad! Love you so much. 

— Danielle J. 


Dad: I hope Mom lets you take it easy today! Maybe golf or a nap?! Happy Father’s Day; you are one of a kind. And to my husband and the father of my kids– thanks for being a great dad. You bring a lot of energy and fun to our lives! 

— Melissa G. 



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