B-Stock is so excited to welcome Julia Attard to the Marketing team this summer! As a summer teammate, we know Julia will be an incredible asset to the company. Julia is currently studying Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and Marketing at Saint Mary’s College of California. Learn a bit more about Julia and see her answers to some questions below.

Q: What are you most excited to learn at B-Stock?

I’m most excited to learn more about the buyer side at B-Stock and to develop new skills on how to use marketing tools to collect data. I’m very interested in consumer behavior; therefore, this Marketing internship will help me navigate who our buyers are and their values.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? (Or still want to be!)

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a librarian because I used to love walking into libraries and checking out the wide variety of books.

Q: What is one piece of advice you’ve been given that has stuck?

A piece of advice I follow is: “Take care of yourself first in order to help others.” This quote has changed the way I interact with people, how I maintain relationships, and why self-care is important.

Q: Where can people find you after work or school?

After school, I’m hanging out with friends, going on hikes, or baking desserts.

Q: What is a hidden talent of yours?

My hidden talent is that I like to dance, specifically Zumba, salsa, and hip hop!

Q: What plays in the background while you work (music genre, podcast, news)?

While working, I’ll listen to Fleetwood Mac, Frank Ocean, or any chill music.

Q: Where would you go with unlimited PTO?

I would travel around the world! I’ve been wanting to go to England and Japan.

Q: What do you do when you’re stuck creatively? How do you get the creative juices flowing?

When I have a hard time brainstorming, I usually sit and try to write down anything that pops into my mind. To keep the creative juices flowing, I’ll take mini dance breaks to clear my mind or I’ll go outside to go on a hike.

Q: What’s something you’ve accomplished that you’re proud of?

One of my favorite accomplishments was co-hosting and putting together a Women In Tech Conference with the help of five colleges around the Bay Area. I’m very glad my business club participated in this event and I developed new relationships along the way.

Q: What is one thing you hope to contribute to B-Stock?

My organizational skills and my ability to collaborate with others will help me contribute my work to B-Stock and the Marketing Team.

If you’re interested in B-Stock’s internship program, please contact [email protected] or reach out on LinkedIn!


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