Finding and attracting an audience is key to reselling success online. From social media to customer service, there are many parts that make up marketing your brand. And in a sea of online resellers (oftentimes selling the same items as you), how do you market yourself apart from the rest? Let’s take a look at five easy-to-implement tips to help get you started! 

#1 Be Honest

Marketing your brand and business begins with you! This is why it’s best to remember honesty is the best policy, particularly when reselling items online. It may be easy to fudge the description or use a flattering photo angle, but your customer will quickly learn the truth once receiving the item. Always be 100% upfront and transparent about any damages to the items that you are trying to resell. Otherwise, you will earn a fast reputation for being a liar and it will quickly hurt your business and reputation. The goal is to cultivate and keep repeat customers! 

#2 Use Professionalism

A crucial key to online success comes with customer reviews. Consider this: 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. This means your brand has got to glow so it can grow! Sure, you may be posting inventory at home while wearing sweatpants, but you can still remain professional. Three easy ways to reflect this include:

  • Respond to your customers in a timely fashion.
  • Use proper language and punctuation at all times– spell things out, don’t use text message abbreviations.
  • Tell the truth about everything you know in regards to the item for sale (Questions? Refer back to tip #1).

#3 Photography 

It’s better to be proactive than reactive. And what better way to manage customer expectations than to show them exactly what they are getting. Showcasing the merchandise through a variety of good images is a clear way to do this! Generally, the more photos you include, the better. Beyond informing buyers of the condition of the product, it boosts your listing in search results. For tips on capturing the best DIY photos for your business, read our post: Reselling Online? Boost Sales with Great Photo

#4 Email Marketing

Keep your customer base in the loop. Whether its new inventory, a seasonal sale, or a special promotion, stay engaged with previous and potential customers in your distribution list. Just remember to keep the emails short and make the subject line count! 

#5 Social Media

It’s hard to sell items when there isn’t an audience. Social media is an excellent way to get engagement and drive traffic to your online store. Let’s take a look at a few top tips for incorporating social media into your marketing strategy. 

  • Know your audience- Not every social channel will be right for your business, so choose wisely. It’s okay to use different social channels to reach different audiences or to meet different business goals.
  • Posting Schedule- We also recommend maintaining a frequent and very regular posting schedule. Consider creating a social media calendar in advance for your postings.
  • Use Pictures- Make sure you use those great photos you’ve taken! Posts usually perform better when accompanied by some sort of visual element such as a picture, video, infographic, etc.
  • Engage- Social media is a unique tool in that it allows you to interact directly with followers and potential customers. Use this opportunity to build trust and relationships. 

Editorial Team


B-Stock Editorial Team

Amberly Bliss, Owner

Amberly Bliss, Owner

Retail Deals

"I feel so confident shopping and bidding on items knowing that I am going to get what I paid for. And if not, there’s a killer customer service team that’s going to make sure everything’s alright in the end. That’s huge. It’s hard to take that risk when you’re first starting out."

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