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It’s not every day you launch a new corporate site; and for good reason: the amount of work required behind the scenes is insane. Design, messaging, coding, review; updated design, messaging, coding, review; repeat again. But, after 10 years of being in business (B-Stock will be a decade this December!) we have never been more clear on who we are, what we stand for, and how to best serve our customers and partners.
So, it’s without further adieu, we present our months-in-the-making, new-and-greatly-improved website! We worked hard on creating a fresh design that tightens up the B-Stock brand; this includes new iconography and updated images and videos. It also has clear messaging on what we do. Forget reverse logistics and returns-management software — we are The World’s Leading Liquidation Platform.
We hope you’ll take a minute to interact with the site, watch the videos (including our personal favorite, Everybody Liquidates), and visit our Blog for the latest industry insights. If you like what you see there, be sure to sign up for our monthly Newsletter.
Finally, it wouldn’t be B-Stock if we didn’t tackle the website build all in house; a big shout out to those employees who put their blood, sweat, and tears into producing the site. What’s particularly unique about this project is that it was entirely women-driven: from content to design to coding to how we capture info, the ladies ran the show.
Have any questions or feedback on the new site? We’d love to hear from you.
Today’s consumer purchases happen more rapidly than ever, making returns an unavoidable aspect of the shopping experience. Every year, billions of dollars worth of returned goods make their way back to retailers, often resulting in excess inventory. Many of these…