Amazon Liquidation Auctions FAQ
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- Applying & Logging In
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- Other Questions & Troubleshooting
- Brexit
- Applying & Logging In
- Bidding
- Payment & Shipping
- Other Questions & Troubleshooting
- Brexit
How do I apply on Amazon Liquidation Auctions? Is it free to join?
Click here to create an account. Fill in the required fields including VAT ID if you are registered for VAT, or proof of current trading (recent invoice or utility bill) if you are not registered for VAT, then click the submit button. We will notify you within one business day if your account is approved. There is no fee for applying or for being an approved buyer on Amazon Liquidation Auctions.
Can I apply if I am located outside of the EU?
Amazon Liquidation Auctions is accepting applications from the EU and the UK. Buyers are required to submit a valid reseller certificate to be approved.
If you are located in the UK, you can only bid on UK auctions. You will need a shipping address in the EU to bid on EU auctions. You can bid with the original UK business account but shipping can only apply to your EU address.
Where can I find Amazon Liquidation merchandise outside of Europe?
If you are located in The United States, you can register on the Amazon USA Liquidation Auctions marketplace for inventory throughout the USA.
What type of business information is required?
If you have a VAT number, that is all that you need to provide. If you are not registered for VAT, please provide proof of current trading, such as a supplier invoice less than 3 months old or utility bill or headed paper.
How do I submit my proof of current trading (non-VAT buyers only)?
You can email your invoice or utility bill to
Why hasn't my account been approved yet?
Please allow one full business day for your application to be approved. If you have not been approved, it is likely because we have not received a proper proof of current trading from you, or you have not supplied a valid VAT ID.
What to do if I forgot my password?
In case you forgot your password, click on the "Login/Apply" button in the upper right corner of the website. Then click on the blue "Forgot Your BStock Password?" below the "Password" text field. Afterwards you will have to enter your email adress with which you have registered for BStock and click "Submit". We will send you an email which provides you with instructions on how to reset your password.
How can I get support if I have questions regarding the application?
Contact us here if you have any questions regarding the application process. We are happy to answer all your questions.
How can I log in?
Click on the button "Login/Apply" on the upper right corner of the website. Enter your email address and password for approved customer, agree to the Terms & Conditions, and click on the login button. If you log in the first time after your application has been approved, you will be asked to provide your preferred delivery times and requirements.
How do I bid?
Once you are an approved buyer on Amazon Liquidation Auctions, you can go to any auction page and enter the highest amount that you are willing to pay. Enter the amount in the white box to the right of "My Maximum Bid". Below, you will see the minimum allowable bid amount. Once the amount has been entered, click the "Bid Now" button. Please note the message near the top of the page, which indicates if your bid is high enough to become the current high bid. If not, you may wish to increase your bid. For each bid you enter, you will receive an email confirmation that your bid was successfully placed.
What condition is the merchandise in? Is it all new?
Merchandise will include, but is not limited to, Overstock and Customer Return goods. Overstock goods are merchandise in a new condition. Customer return goods are merchandise that was previously sold to a consumer on the Amazon marketplace and then returned, as well as products damaged within the warehouse process. Please view each auction page for this information, or visit our Conditions page for details on each condition type.
Why do auctions extend at the end?
If a bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of an auction, the auction end time will extend for an additional 3 minutes. This is called "Popcorn Bidding" and gives all bidders an equal chance of winning an auction by extending the end time of the auction if a last minute bid is placed. Popcorn Bidding is used to simulate a live auction and prevents other bidders from "sniping" an auction at the last second.
How can I enter my maximum bid without it appearing to other bidders?
All bids placed on Amazon Liquidation Auctions act as "proxy" bids. You can bid the highest amount you are willing to bid and allow the system to manage the bidding for you. The Current Bid displayed on each auction is equivalent to the second highest bidder's bid, plus one bid increment (£25 on Amazon Liquidation Auctions). If the high bidder has placed a higher bid, it will not display. This allows bidders to know that if they place a proxy bid, they could still win the auction for any amount below or at their maximum bid.
Example: If you find an item that you are interested in that is currently at £1,000 without any bids and choose to bid £5,000, you will be winning the auction at £1,000. If another bidder places a bid for £1,100, you will be winning the auction at £1,125, one increment higher. The system will continue to automatically outbid other bidders on your half, but will never exceed your proxy bid of £5,000.
Can I buy merchandise without bidding on it?
All merchandise sold on Amazon Liquidation Auctions is in auction format, only. If you only want to place one bid, you can always place a proxy bid.
Are the images on the site actual images of the merchandise?
Images on the site are representative stock images, not actual photos of the merchandise. Stock images don’t offer any additional information about Customer Return goods.
Can I inspect the merchandise before bidding?
Merchandise cannot be inspected prior to bidding. All available information is detailed on the auction page.
Why did I lose the auction if I bid the same amount as another bidder?
In order to win an auction, you need to bid a higher amount than the current high bidder. If both you and another buyer both placed identical maximum bids but the other bidder placed their bid before yours, they will win the auction.
How do I know if I win?
At the close of the auction, the winning bidder is notified by email. This will also show up as an order on the "Orders" page under the "Account" dropdown in the top right of the page.
Can I cancel my order?
Three order cancellations lead to permanent account suspension.
Can I cancel my bid?
Please remember that every bid on B-Stock Solutions operated marketplaces is a binding contract. You are agreeing to buy the lot at the price you indicate should you ultimately be the highest bidder. Bids may not be cancelled once submitted. If you accidentally enter a wrong bid amount (for example, you entered 1000€ instead of 100€) you can click on the Cancel link within the bid confirmation pop-up window to change your bid amount prior to submission. Changing your mind does not qualify as accidentally entering a wrong bid amount.
Your bids affect how other users bid within the auction and the auction's final selling price. We provide ample opportunity for you to check and double check your bid before submitting, so requests to cancel bids will most likely result in suspension of your account.
A record of all bids is kept on file. If a current winning bid is disqualified in an auction for any reason, B-Stock Solutions will restore the next highest non-winning bid to winning status. This decision is made at the sole discretion of B-Stock Solutions.
How can I see that my bid was accepted?
Once you submitted a bid, you will receive an e-mail that confirms your bid for the appropriate auction, including the current bid, your maximum bid, whether you are winning or not, and the auction end date. If you click on "Account" on the upper right corner of the website, you can choose "E-Mail Preferences". On this site you can select the messages you want to receive. If you click on "Texting" below the blue word "Notifications", you find instructions on how to get updates on auctions sent to your mobile phone.
How do I know if someone outbid me?
You will receive an e-mail if you have been outbid on an auction, including the auction end date, your maximum bid, and a button to increase your bid. If you click on "Account" on the upper right corner of the website, you can choose "E-Mail Preferences". On this site you can select the messages you want to receive. If you click on "Texting" below the blue word "Notifications", you find instructions on how to get updates on auctions sent to your mobile phone.
How can I check my bids?
Once you are logged in, click on "Account" on the upper right corner. Click on the button "Bids" of the dropdown menu and you will see a summary of all your current and previous bids, including the amount of your bid, the date you submitted your bid, the bid ID, name and picture of the bid, as well as current winning bid and whether you are still winning/losing or you won/lost the auction.
How long is an auction usually open?
The run time of an auction may vary. In 2018, auctions were open 2.7 days on average, with the majority of auctions being open for two or four days.
How can I monitor an auction that I haven't bid on yet?
Once you are logged in, click on an auction you are interested in. Click on the button "Add to Watchlist" next to the lower left corner of the auction pictures. After clicking that button, the text will change to "Currently Watching". Then click on the button "Account" on the upper right corner of the website and choose "Watchlist" of the dropdown menu. This will lead you to a site where all the auctions you want to follow are listed. Items older than 30 days will be automatically removed from your watchlist. You will also receive an e-mail as confirmation that you added the auction to your watchlist. If you don't want to receive an e-mail notification after adding an auction to your watchlist, go to "Account - E-Mail Preferences" and change your notifications settings.
How can I check what items are included in one auction?
Once you are logged in, click on an auction that you are interested in. Below the auction summary you will find the auction catalogue /manifest, which lists all pieces that are included in the auction. You can filter the auction catalogue by GL name or category description. Furthermore, you can download the manifest in an excel file.
What is avg. cost per unit?
This is the average price per unit in your auction.
How can I filter my search?
We provide you with two major filters to accelerate your search. If you are only interested in certain types of products, you can filter your search by product category on the upper part of the website. On the left-hand side, you can filter your search by shipment type, condition, and country. For example, you can narrow down your search to customer return merchandise located in one country, which is shipped in a full truckload. Additionally, you can conduct a keyword search in the search bar.
Why is there a country filter?
Merchandise sold on this website is shipped from various locations throughout Europe. Customer return merchandise is located in warehouses of our third-party logistic providers who are responsible for shipping the items to you. Among others, these warehouses are located in the UK, Spain, Slovakia, and Poland.
Overstock merchandise is located in and shipped from various Amazon warehouses throughout Europe. The contents of each auction may be shipped to you from multiple warehouses.
Shipping charges are calculated based on sending location and receiving destination (buyer's warehouse address).
Why am I unable to bid on certain restricted categories?
Auctions that feature certain categories are restricted based on your billing and shipping location. For example, Categories such as Beer, Wine, & Spirits and Grocery may not be sold or shipped cross-border.
If you are ineligible to bid on an auction based on your location, the “Bid Now” button will be gray in color and unavailable to click. An alert will also populate above the bid box informing you of the restriction.
What product categories are offered?
On the upper part of the website below the Amazon liquidations logo, you can see a listing of all product categories we currently offer on this website. However, those may change daily, depending on what inventory is available for liquidation. Among others, we offer the following product categories: Toys, Kitchen, Lawn and Garden, Home, Apparel, Drugstore, Beauty etc.
What currency are the auctions transacted in?
Each auction is offered in either GBP or EUROS. You will need to pay for your order with whatever currency the auction is conducted in.
How do I pay? How long do I have to pay?
All payments must be made by wire transfer. The wire instructions will be provided by email after winning the auction, along with any VAT charge and order total. You are responsible to pay within 2 business days of receiving this notification. Please upload your proof of payment immediately showing the important payment information by logging to your B-Stock account. Late payments may result in your orders being canceled and your accounts being denied across all sites hosted by B-Stock Solutions. Your bid represents a legally enforceable contract.
To ensure proper credit, please include your A2Z Order Number in your payment and pay with the same currency as the order country in the exact amount. Your Order Number is found on the email letting you know you won or in your Orders page. Please make sure you use the correct Business name and full name that are the same as the ones registered on your B-Stock account. If you are unfamiliar with sending a wire, you can easily do it from any bank, and most banks allow you to send wires online. Please contact with any questions regarding your payment.
Each auction is offered in either GBP or EUROS. You will need to pay for your order with whatever currency the auction is conducted in.
Is VAT added to my order? How will I know how much to pay?
VAT will be charged and the amount will be calculated for you in the Bid Won email, when applicable, based on your business and the inventory location. Please contact with any questions regarding your payment.
For Poland buyers: please do not split your payment for the VAT. The bank should be able to process one payment.
Can I get a pro forma invoice? Where is my invoice?
Please note that we do not provide a pro forma invoice.
The final invoice will be provided after the liquidation merchandise has been shipped completely (please allow 3-5 business days for this to be processed). The invoice will be available to access on the B-Stock page after you log in. You can use the "Bid Won" email as invoice until the product has been shipped and received.
What forms of payment do you accept? Do you accept credit cards?
Wire payment is the only form of payment accepted, as it is both instant and secure. This is the standard practice in the sale of liquidation lots. We do not accept credit cards, personal checks or Western Union for payments.
Can I combine multiple payments together?
You may usually combine multiple payments into one wire for auctions won within 2 days of each other, if you are complying with the payment policy. Please be sure to put all order numbers in the memo section of the wire.
Why do I have to pay a B-Stock Fee separately from my auction payment?
B-Stock collects auction payment on most of its marketplaces, but on the few sites where auction proceeds are paid directly to sellers, buyers must pay the B-Stock Fee directly to B-Stock separate from their payment to the seller.
Who do I pay the B-Stock Fee to?
B-Stock Fee must always be paid directly to B-Stock. On marketplaces where the seller collects payment for auction proceeds, you must make a separate payment directly to B-Stock for the B-Stock Fee.
How do I pay the B-Stock Fee?
When logged-in, click “Account” at the top right hand corner of the screen, then “Orders” from the drop-down menu. Click on an order with an “Unpaid to B-Stock” balance so you can open up the order details. Once in the order detail page click the “Pay with Credit Card” button within the “Pay to B-Stock” box on the lower right of your screen. This will take you to a checkout screen where you can pay for all unpaid B-Stock Fees on this marketplace or you can choose to pay them one invoice at a time.
To avoid repeating these steps every time you win an order, your payment details will be saved by our payment processor, Stripe, so that your future B-Stock Fees on this marketplace will be paid automatically.
How do I know if I owe B-Stock Fees?
When placing your bid, you will see the B-Stock Fee under “Other Fees”. To see paid/unpaid B-Stock Fees on your orders, click on Account, then select “Orders” from the dropdown. Look beneath orders marked “Unpaid” to find the status of your B-Stock Fee payment to B-Stock or your auction purchase payment to the seller.
How do I set up auto-pay?
After making your payment for a B-Stock Fee, that payment method will be saved for future payment. From that time forward, all unpaid B-Stock Fees will be batched together and automatically paid through your saved payment method without further action needed by you, the processor will generally charge/debit your payment method each night for any B-Stock Fees accrued that day. Note this will only happen on marketplaces where the auction proceeds are paid directly to the sellers separate from the B-Stock Fee payment to B-Stock.
What is auto-pay?
Auto-pay allows you to save a payment method on file so that B-Stock Fees can paid without additional action from you. Once you make your first payment, your payment details will be saved for automatic payment of B-Stock Fees on future orders.
Please note that you can only use this checkout method to pay B-Stock Fees generated from marketplaces where seller collects auction payment. On marketplaces where B-Stock collects payment, your B-Stock Fees must be included in your wire payment to B-Stock.
Why does my Unpaid B-Stock Fee Amount say “Pending”
B-Stock Fee invoices are created overnight, the amount due will show “processing” or “pending” until the invoice is finalized. Invoices should always be ready for payment the morning after the auction’s close.
How does shipping work?
Shipping method is paid shipping for each auction. Paid shipping is binding shipping meaning that the seller has selected a shipper that you will be required to use.
All orders will be sent to your registered Shipping Address. No change of shipping address is allowed after payment.
Overstock Auctions: Please expect the order to be broken up into multiple shipments, and we do not hold shipments for holidays. Before bidding, make sure your warehouse is available without constraints for multiple deliveries throughout a 4-6 week shipment period.
Customer Returns Auctions: Shipments will be in palletized lots will be executed within 7 days of payment. Please be aware that pallets are included in the shipment and do not need to be returned.
Buyers are required to 1)unload all trucks on the date of delivery with their own unloading equipment/ help of forwarder. Your shipping address needs to have a loading dock or forklift in order to unload goods as not all truck is guaranteed to have a lift-gate; 2) check carefully to make sure the pallets delivered match those listed in the Purchase Order email. Once signed and the pallets received, refund requests for missing or wrong pallets will not be accepted. Buyers are also not eligible to change the order delivery date within 3 days of the scheduled delivery date.
Due to operational constraints, we cannot provide exact number of pallets/ parcels, or the scheduled dates of delivery. Please ensure your warehouse is available for receiving deliveries over the shipment period. Please note that we do not accept residential address as a shipment destination.
What if there is a problem with my order?
1. Find and review the dispute policy for this seller here to determine if your dispute qualifies for resolution and to see what documentation will be required.
2. Gather all required evidence as indicated on the linked page above. For example; the bill of lading and pallet tags for freight loads, photos of the merchandise at delivery and before inspection, photos of the disputed merchandise upon inspection, the line items results of your inspection, and for mobile devices, the IMEI and a photo of each device in dispute.
3. Go to Your Orders page, find the order you wish to dispute, click on “Report an Issue” and follow the instructions.
*Note: all dispute resolution is governed by the terms of purchase agreement between the buyer and the seller and/or the terms of use agreement between the buyer and B-StockWhere is the merchandise shipped from? Are there any differences in the warehouses in different countries?
Merchandise is shipped from various locations in the EU. Customer return goods are usually stored in warehouses of third party logistic providers who will ship the pallets to you after you won and paid an auction. Overstock merchandise is shipped directly from Amazon warehouses across the EU and delivered by third party logistic providers like DPD, DHL, TNT etc.
What to do after I have paid?
You will receive an email from B-Stock Solutions confirming your payment within 5-7 business days and the status of your order will be changed to "Paid" on your account. If you do not receive your payment confirmation 7 days after your payment is sent, please contact
How can I check whether my payment was successful?
You will receive a payment confirmation by e-mail after you have paid. International Wire transfer confirmations take approximately 5-7 business days.
How many pallets are in a full truckload?
Typically, a full truckload consists out of 32 pallets (23 pallets for UK), unless stated differently in the auction title.
How big are the pallets?
Customer return merchandise may be shipped on Euro or Chep pallets. The size of the EU pallet is 1.200mm x 800mm. The size of the UK pallet could be 1.200mm x 1000mm or 1.200mm x 800mm. Overstock merchandise may be shipped in various pallets or packages, meaning that the sizes will vary.
Why did I only receive a part of my order?
For Overstock auctions, please expect the order to be broken up into multiple shipments from multiple Amazon warehouses. Before bidding, make sure your warehouse is available without constraints for multiple deliveries throughout a 4-6 week shipment period.
Who pays the shipping costs?
All shipping costs are paid by the customer.
How can I change my shipping address?
Change of shipping address after payment for an auction is not allowed. Please make sure to change your shipping address before you pay, if necessary. Click on "Account" on the upper right corner of the website and choose "My Account" of the dropdown menu. Add a new address and set it as default address.
Am I buying this merchandise directly from Amazon Liquidation Auctions?
All merchandise on Amazon Liquidation Auctions is coming directly from the world's largest online retailer. Please see the Terms and Conditions for more information.
Where is the auction merchandise located?
Merchandise is shipped from various locations in th EU. Customer return goods are usually stored in warehouses of third party logistic providers who will ship the pallets to you after you won and paid an auction. Overstock merchandise is shipped directly from Amazon warehouses across the EU and delivered by third party logistic providers like DPD, DHL, TNT etc.
How often are there new auctions?
New auctions can be posted daily at any time during normal business hours. In 2018, 52 auctions closed per week on average, although this number varies a lot. Buyers that are subscribed to the Amazon Liquidation Auctions newsletter will receive an email when auctions are opening and closing each day.
How can I contact you?
For general questions regarding registration, using the auction site, or payment, the easiest way to reach us is by sending a message via the customer service chat, by filling out an “Contact us” form, or by sending us an email. The service chat is available from 4.30pm to 11.30 pm (UTC + 1:00), whereas you are more than welcome to send us an email 24/7.
How can I update my personal information / change my password?
As an approved buyer, if you are logged into Amazon Liquidation Auctions and select "My Account" from the "Account" drop down. You can update all contact information or change the password on your account. You can also click the blue "Forgot Your B-Stock Password?" text on the login page if you cannot remember your password.
How do I report a technical problem?
Send us an email to report your issue. Please be as specific as possible and be sure to include any information that would help us determine the cause of your problem, including: which web browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.), the web page you are on, steps to replicate the issue you are having, and other details and screenshots for our review.
I am approved and having trouble logging in. What can I do?
Sometimes your browser can cause login problems. Please try the following fixes:
- Clear your browser's cache, then close it and reopen it and try logging in again.
- Try logging in with a different browser. We recommend using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or IE9 or higher.
When I try to log in, I see the message "Invalid login or password." Why?
If you receive this notification, then you either have not yet applied on Amazon Liquidation Auctions, or you are entering an incorrect password. You can reset your password by clicking the "Forgot Your B-Stock Password?" link below your password entry and entering your email address. If you have not applied, then you can click the Create An Account button to begin your application.
When I try to log in, I see the message "Your application is still pending." What do I do?
If you receive this notification, then we have either not yet reviewed your application or you have not submitted us with your VAT number or required invoice. If it has been more than 1 business day since you applied, then we are still waiting on the proper documentation from you. You can send us your invoice or VAT number.
What will change after Brexit?
Beginning on 2 November 2020, certain bidding restrictions will be put in place in preparation for the United Kingdom’s upcoming leave date of 31 December 2020 from the European Union.
Amazon Liquidation Auctions will limit UK auctions to UK registered buyers and non-UK auctions to buyers registered outside of the UK due to Brexit. This applies to both Overstock and Customer Returns auctions.
Will shipments be affected after Brexit?
Shipping cost and delivery processes for both Overstock and Customer Returns will not be affected except that UK auctions will only be available to UK registered buyers and non-UK auctions available to buyers registered outside of the UK due to Brexit.
Will payments be affected after Brexit?
Payment method and tax on inventory will not be affected except that UK auctions will only be available to UK registered buyers and non-UK auctions available to buyers registered outside of the UK due to Brexit.
Who should I reach out for if I have questions about Brexit?
Please contact for enquiries regarding Brexit changes.
Still have questions?
We’re available Monday - Friday,
7am - 6pm (Mountain Time)
Click the “Chat with an Expert” button
in the bottom right hand of your screen.
Feel free to contact us.
We strive to answer emails within 1 business day or less.