Featured Seller Program

Our Commitment to Buyer Satisfaction

What is the Featured Seller Program?

B-Stock Supply’s Featured Seller Program showcases the best sellers on the B-Stock Supply marketplace. Featured Sellers have a proven track record of helpful & responsive customer service, timely shipments and a 97% + customer satisfaction rate.

We recognize that buyers need help navigating the B-Stock Supply marketplace and its incredible selection of sellers and products.

The Featured Seller Program is a part of B-Stock Supply’s commitment to offering a marketplace where buyers can trust sellers, buy with confidence and grow their own businesses. Featured Sellers have proven to the B-Stock Supply buyer community that they are companies that work hard to satisfy buyers like you with great deals on brand name merchandise at liquidation prices.

How to Find Featured Seller Auctions

You can find Featured Sellers and their auctions several ways.

Look for auctions on B-Stock Supply with the Featured Seller badge on the listing.
Click on a Featured Seller storefront from the Featured Sellers Section of the B-Stock Supply homepage.

We've included a sample of Featured Sellers, below. Click on their logos to view currently available listings.