Seller's Reviews

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B-Stock Supply Seller since Mar 2019 (5 years and 7 months)

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1-4 of 4

1 of 5 Stars

I would purchase from this seller again.No

I was satisfied with my shipping/pickup experience.Yes

The items I received were as describedNo


This was my first experience with B-Stock. The pictures published did not match what was sent. The manifest that was listed was not available after the items arrived. The manifest sent to me after matched but I have no proof that it was different than the manifest that was listed. Just be vary careful when dealing with this seller. I learnt my lesson, didn't pay much so I guess it could have been much worse.

1 of 5 Stars

I would purchase from this seller again.Yes

I was satisfied with my shipping/pickup experience.No

The items I received were as describedYes


It hard to connect the seller at first, Me n my shipper spending lot of times n emails to locate the place n phone calls to trying to arrange our shipment .Once u connect to the seller Sam he is very helpful but when u first time buying n googleing their address or company , its on a empty land that worry us , however no forklift on site to loadup the pallet ,so its kind of hard for us to arrange a trucker w tailgate to ship it to us. Its good if u in town to go urselft to pickup but to ship by freight company may be a problem ,at least its for us but we got all figured it out after. Good product thou. It just cost too much time to communcaite for one pallet . I hope next time will be more smoother if order again n easier.

5 of 5 Stars

I would purchase from this seller again.Yes

I was satisfied with my shipping/pickup experience.Yes

The items I received were as describedYes


Honest Seller

2 of 5 Stars

I would purchase from this seller again.No

I was satisfied with my shipping/pickup experience.No

The items I received were as describedNo


I never received this order

1-4 of 4