4 Auction(s)

No auctions available at this time. Here are some recent closed auctions

  • 3 Pallet Spaces of Mixed Merchandise, Indianapolis, IN
    Current bid: $2,550
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $2,550.00
    Bids: 58
    Closes in
  • 4 Pallet Spaces of Mixed Merchandise, Indianapolis, IN
    Current bid: $1,050
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $350.00
    Bids: 19
    Closes in
  • Truckload (8 Pallet Spaces) of Tool Storage, Shelving, Storage Containers & More, 73 Units, Ext. Retail $5,721, Indianapolis, IN
    Current bid: $325
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $4.45
    Bids: 3
    Closes in
  • Truckload (22 Pallet Spaces) of Roofing, Building Materials, Insulation, Siding & More, 648 Units, Ext. Retail $40,352, Indianapolis, IN
    Current bid: $6,101
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $9.42
    Bids: 61
    Closes in

4 Auction(s)